Secure Your Freedom with a Record Suspensions

Thousands of Canadians live with the stigma of minor crimes committed when they were younger. It is a fact of life that when people are young especially in their teenage years and early twenties, they tend to be carefree and go about their business with little regard for societal standing and future consequences. Unfortunately, for most us, the sins of our youth return to haunt us later in life. It may be in the form of a drunken driving conviction, drug related misdemeanor or some other crime that is common with people in their youth. Unless you take steps to have these offences removed from your record via a Record Suspensions, your life can considerably be disrupted. The most immediate danger would be your inability to get a job due to employer background checks. Other ways your life could be affected negatively include:

  • Inability to travel to the US and other countries
  • Ineligibility to work as a volunteer with some charitable organizations
  • Delayed or denied rental approvals
  • Ineligibility to work with kids—a key requirement in some professions
  • Ineligibility to adopt a child
  • Fewer opportunities for educational advancement
  • You cannot apply for child custody especially if your offences are drug related

Thankfully, there are legal ways to redeem yourself from this stigma. The Criminal Records act of Canada allows the Parole Board of Canada to grant pardons to past offenders based on certain set criteria. Summary offences can be pardoned after three years while more serious offences can be pardoned after five years. You must have served and completed your sentences, paid all outstanding fines and been of good behavior to qualify for a Record Suspensions.
The Parole Board of Canada makes the final determination of whether your pardon is to be granted or denied. If pardon is granted, your criminal record is deleted from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). However, take note that this does not mean that the record no longer exists. Quite the contrary, it continues to exist but cannot be publicly accessed. Only the Canadian Solicitor General is authorized to disclose any information regarding your pardon. He would do so if this action is deemed to be favorable to national security or public safety.
Applying for a pardon is quite technical and any errors or misstatements in your application can result in a denial. This is why you require the services of Record Suspensions to take care of the extensive documentation and make sure your application is factual and free from errors of any kind.

Do not live with stigma any more, secure your freedom today with a Record Suspensions.